4 Steps for Managers to Put Employee Development Plans Into Action

Help your employees enhance their careers by putting together a well-thought-out plan for their professional growth. This development plan will ensure that they have more resources at their disposal to assist with your company’s growth. Everyone benefits, including you and your employees.

However, putting together a training program for your employees shouldn’t be a spur of the moment decision. Make sure your workers’ growth goals are on track by following these four steps.

  1. Assess your business objectives.

Your company’s demands should be taken into consideration when setting goals for an employee’s growth plan. Identifying your long and short-term company goals is the first step in determining what talents and abilities are required to help you achieve them.

For example, if your company is experiencing a growth surge, you may need to hire more managers. What abilities do these leaders need to have in order to succeed? Does your present workforce have the capacity and willingness to take on these tasks, or can they be trained to do so?

The organization might greatly benefit from developing internal candidates to bridge the gap between present employee skill sets and those required for the future.

Investing in employee development today will save you time and money in the future when you need to hire, train, and onboard new employees. Making it clear that progress and promotion are possible via training and development will help you keep your best employees.

  1. Talk to your employees.

If you think you know your employees’ abilities and career goals, you’d be wrong. Get to know your coworkers better by asking them about their professional aspirations.

Additionally, you should encourage your staff to reflect on their own performance and identify any difficulties they are encountering. What are the areas in which they have the most difficulty? It is possible that they may benefit from further training, mentoring, or a challenging new role.

When it comes to employee development, some of your employees may know exactly what they want to achieve but aren’t sure how to get started or if the firm would back them up. Your coworkers may not know that you recognize the potential in them or that they need encouragement to take the next step in their professional journey.

By talking to employees, you can work together to figure out what role your business can play in their plans as well as what opportunities you can offer them.

It’s important to communicate with your employees to find out what role your firm may play in their ambitions and what advantages you can provide.

  1. Understand potential vs. readiness.

Keep in mind that potential is not the same as readiness while evaluating your personnel. Desire, ability, and experience are all components of readiness. It is important to remember that not all employees are suited for management, even if they are excellent in their current roles. It’s a common misunderstanding among managers that someone who excels in sales would also be adept at overseeing a sales staff. Forcing an individual to take on a role for which they aren’t prepared has the potential to have disastrous results.

  1. Take into account all forms of training and development.

Next, plan out how you’re going to teach your employee the new abilities they need. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on educational programs, and they may take many different forms. Not all employees can benefit from formal classroom or online education.

Most students require active participation to truly master a new skill or obtain new knowledge. As a result, various forms of development may be even more effective than a course, such as:

  • Stretch assignments and special projects
  • Working with a subject matter professional on a regular basis
  • One-on-one coaching and mentoring sessions
  • Networking groups

One of the most effective ways to be ready for a promotion is to take on a portion of the next position up the ladder. As your company’s talent pool grows, you’ll have more opportunities to promote from within for individuals with less experience.

Key Takeaway

Employee development plans not only assist your workers to become more efficient and educated, but they may also increase employee happiness. And when your employees are pleased, they are less inclined to search for a job elsewhere.


Written by

Amalia Swanson